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TCV Employee COVID Health and Safety

Greetings TCV Family,

We wanted to take this opportunity to remind and reassure everyone of the policies and procedures that we have in place for the protection of our staff, our families and our community during this time.

We continue to strictly follow all of the policies and requirements put forth by the Nevada County Department of Environmental Health (NCEH) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Not only are these required for us to be open as a business, but more importantly, these policies are critical for protecting the health of our employees and our community. These requirements include (but are not limited to):

  • Wearing of face coverings for all FOH employees as well as all employees who are in situations where they are unable to maintain social distancing,

  • Hand sanitizer available to all guests and employees,

  • Health screening for all employees at the beginning of their shift,

  • Maintaining a log of all employee shifts,

  • Rigorous on premise sanitizing procedures.

For a full and complete list of policies and procedures, you can refer to the official NCEH health guidelines HERE.

The NCEH policy states that “any employee showing symptoms, or who has been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive must not come into work, must self isolate, and must reach out to their physician.” Per CDPH, “exposed” is defined as “less than 6 ft with no facial covering for more than 5 minutes”.

CDPH has instructed TCV to reach out to their office for instructions and next steps if any employee tests positive for the virus. For personal privacy reasons, we will not release the names of anyone who has tested positive, but we will contact those that may have been exposed to them to let them know, if in the future, someone does test positive.

Beyond that, if anyone is concerned that they may have been exposed or believe that may have symptoms of COVID-19 they should not come to work. They should call their manager, and consider getting a COVID-19 test. They should only return to work when they are comfortable that they are not positive. In this case, TCV will protect the employees privacy as best that it can and will not be contacting other employees who may have shared shifts until a positive test result occurs. We also ask that all employees be very sensitive in discussions or communications so as not to create unnecessary anxiety, and to be sensitive to personal privacy.

The unfortunate reality of the world right now is that everyone is at some risk of exposure almost everyday unless one is 100% self isolated at home. The best way to mitigate this is to follow all of the rules, policies, and procedures set forth by our State and our County, which we are doing to every extent possible.

We recognize that these are unprecedented times, and everyone has their own comfort level and personal risk factors. We are doing all we can to protect you, our employees, as well as your families, friends, and our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us immediately. Our phone numbers are below.


Alicia & Andy

Andy Cell: (530) 386-6665

Alicia Cell: (530) 386-6664

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